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Robin Gieck avatar
Written by Robin Gieck
Updated over a week ago

What are Hubql Hubs?

Hubs provide you with a space to organize your data model files. You have the option to create two types of Hubs.

  • Static Hubs: A Hub that is not connected to any Git-based account.

  • Connected Hubs: A Hub connected to a Git-based account automatically imports supported data model files from chosen repositories.

Static Hubs

Static Hubs are not connected to your Git provider. Files created in Static Hubs are exclusively available in Hubql. Similar to their counterpart, Connected Hubs, Static Hubs support a wide variety of file types.

Hubql supports JSON, Prisma, GraphQL, and Protobuf. (SQL coming soon).

When creating a new file, you have several options:

  1. Templates

    Choose from Hubql data model templates for each file type, providing a starting point for your project.

  2. AI

    Not finding the right template? Try 'Ask Ai' for a data model. The more detailed you are in your prompt, the more accurate the data model generated will be. Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee the correctness of the answer. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for any technical issues.

  3. Create from payload

    Send your data model through payload and create a Hubql file with it.

  4. Import file

    If you already have a data model and want to use Hubql visualization, connect your Git provider (currently only supporting GitHub) to Hubql and create a Connected Hub. Alternatively, you can upload your data model to Hubql, and we will import the code and turn it into a Hubql file with visualization enabled.

Connected Hubs

Connected Hubs are linked to your Git provider. Hubql scans your Git provider, listing all repositories to which you have granted access. To create Hub, import your repositories and their files into Hubql. Don’t worry about the file types; Hubql only import data schema types such as Prisma, GraphQL, JSON, SQL and Protobuf.

Once you’ve have successfully connected your Hub to your Git repository, you automatically enable version control in Hubql. Now, you can edit your schema code in Hubql, create Pull requests, and make commits seamlessly, integrating Hubql into your workflow without disruption.

Notes: Hubql does not allow you to create or delete files from connected Hub. We aim to be a platform for teams to visualize data models, enable visual collaboration, and review with pinpoint precision.

Hub settings

Hub settings are where you will find all settings related to a specific Hub. Be cautious when deleting a Hub, as it is permanent, and all documentation and data not pushed to your Git will be deleted.

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